Part of the equipment
- Protective plate for 1 free slot
- Subscriber’s gateway, analogue, 32 ports
- Protective plate for 2 free slots
- The gateway for daughterboards of analogue trunk lines and communication
- MED 10 TKS with software suite
- License for connection of the analogue subscriber
- License for functionality of connection of PGS to TKS
- License for connection 4th wire analogue trunk line
- License for connection 2nd wire analogue trunk line
- License for connection of IP of the subscriber
- MN, the license for the additional managed port
- The IP terminal of the person on duty with an option of connection of the external microphone
- The microphone a goose neck for the OTS telephone terminal, type C 33/SR
- AC/DC the adapter for IP terminals and expansion units (2 A)
- ZhK — EXP50 expansion unit for T58V/T58A/T56A/T54S/T52S
- Terminal of OTS on duty and additional console of expansion
- Pedal, 760 mm
- The module of overvoltage protection LPA04 on 10 couples
- MDF construction, 3 verticals, 6U
- A mounting tool for LSA plinths
- Identification of levels 2/10, 22.5mm/95mm
- The disconnecting frame 10/2
- The grounding clip
- A set for the organization of double entry of a power supply of TKS
- The gateway for 1 payment of analogue trunk lines
- The gateway for 1 payment of lines of distillation communication
- SBK ISDN — U Gateway, 2B1Q, 16 interfaces
- License of the software of OTS
- License for connection of ISDN for one subscriber
- NT termination
- The ISDN terminal with a press-to-talk button
- The terminal of the manager for OTS on the basis of SIP — T58 and the additional console of expansion
- The gateway for 2 payments of analogue trunk lines
- The gateway for 2 payments of lines of distillation communication
- The additional keyboard for the ISDN terminal
- MED 2 TKS with software set for the connection station
- System of visualization (monitor)
- The automated MNS workplace (stationary)
- MN, license for the additional observed network interface
- UTP cable (1 m)
- An intermediate power panel in a rack 19 with the service socket
- MDF construction, 3 verticals, 14U
- MED 10 TKS (set of additional section)
- The license for software for the organization of reserve connection
- The application software fora geostandby server of management
- cCS — the Expanded license on analogue (POTS) of the subscriber, on the subscriber
- PO-02 on trunk lines
- PO-01 on trunk lines
- The automated MNS workplace (mobile)
- The server of management of management of the station with software
- Software on the server for iDMS
- The application software for a primary server of management
- Software for diagnostics of circles and management/distribution by alarm signals
- Intermediate power panel in a rack 19 without service socket